Yorkshire Financial Awards 2021 Shortlist

Club Insure has been shortlisted for the Customer Service award at this year’s Yorkshire Financial Awards

The Yorkshire Financial Awards have been created to celebrate the incredible financial services industry and the achievements and successes of the region’s best and brightest. Yorkshire is home to the UK’s premier financial hub outside of London. Nominees are picked from a range of disciplines; myriad lenders, brokers, advisers and institutions. The Yorkshire Financial Awards also offer individual and team awards to those outstanding in their field.

Find the full shortlist and more information here.

We are overjoyed!

All of us at Club Insure are overjoyed to announce we have again been nominated for the Customer Service award. It’s our belief that being a customer champion goes further than just offering great customer service. We see the role of a customer champion as someone who stands up for what’s right; takes the challenging path; takes a risk to fight for the best possible result. No other broker in the UK has gone to the lengths Club Insure has in order to protect and defend the hospitality and leisure industry. It’s our passion as much as it is theirs, and we weren’t ready to stand by and watch the present situation threaten to take under the clients we care so strongly about.

Rarely before has the insurance industry been shaken to its core, than in the wake of coronavirus, and the devastating impact it had on businesses up and down the country. We saw almost our entire client base shut down overnight, plunging an entire industry into turmoil. We weren’t content to behave like most brokers, and sit back and ride out the storm, waiting for things to return to normality. It was clear very quickly that drastic action had to be taken, to help our clients survive through the most challenging period in their history.

Working hand in hand with the NTIA, we began a legal battle that would take us all the way to the Supreme Court. Collectively representing several hundred small leisure and hospitality businesses, we commissioned an industry specialist barrister, to work alongside us and our clients, to fight for a result which was fair, and would help save the industry we are so passionate about.

By petitioning the FCA, we had our clients unique policy wordings included in the Business Interruption Test Case, as an effort to ensure our customers got clarity, and a positive result, regarding the pay-outs they deserve, and so desperately need. Whilst the case is still ongoing, the result thus far has been broadly positive for many of our policyholders. Whilst this is fantastic news, we won’t stop until we’ve done everything we can to stand up for each and every one of clients. Which is why where the result has been ambiguous or negative, we’re mounting an appeal, until we have left no stone unturned in the fight for justice.

Our key achievements include:

  • Arranging a £100k settlement for a client who had been treated unfairly and misled by the insurers advice around BI.
  • Having Club Insure & NDML policy wordings included in the FCA High Court test case so any rulings will benefit our clients directly.
  • Worked closely with the NTIA to generate additional government financial support for the leisure & hospitality industry.
  • Lobbied the Chancellor & Treasury to release funds specifically for this hard hit sector.
  • Undertaken regular webinars with industry leading QC barrister, the FCA & industry groups to keep customers in the loop and make their voices heard.
  • Created one of a kind guides and advice, with all resources necessary to allow venues to close safely, remain protected through lockdown, and reopen safely protecting their staff and customers.
  • Invested in unique wellbeing programmes with a specialist provider to offer tailored health & wellbeing support for free, designed around the industry we protect.
  • Tailored risk management for venues.

The awards are being held virtually next Thursday evening (25th) at 7pm. Anyone is welcome to stream the awards, you just need to register here.

Watch along and keep your fingers-crossed that they call our name!
