Using a Broker: Start to Finish

All sports and social clubs should be utilising the services of a broker – Golf clubs are not an exception. Clubs with high-value machinery, equipment and contents, such as golf clubs, require the right experts to visit, value and cater to their specific needs. They require a Club Insure broker.

We spoke to expert Scheme Manager Mark Dearden; he ran us through the whole process from start to finish. He explains why golf course owners and managers should be utilising the service of a broker, outlining how clubs can be best prepared as well as the risks of being underprepared.

– “The best outcome is always to use a broker”

“Golf clubs should be starting the process of arranging their insurance requirements at least three months before renewal. What time of year golf courses renew is not an issue, but from my experience, the best outcome is always to use a broker.”

“The process of utilising a broker first starts with a visitation from one of our representatives. At Club Insure we have about ten reps spread all over the country, each are experts in what golf clubs require and know what a risk-averse golf club looks like.”

“The reason for a visitation is to see first-hand the current arrangements golf courses have in place. We would perform a survey of the premises; nothing too in depth, but to make sure the basics are right. The basics include security, checking cameras and alarms are in good working order, details of the machinery, general maintenance of the club and its properties – we can get a good feel for a club more or less after one visit.”

“We provide a bespoke service at Club Insure and aim to build a relationship with our clients. This is because we are in it for the long-term, looking to work with clubs to aid ongoing improvements.”

“We look to work with clubs who have laid down five-year, or long term plan. This is so we can meet their expectations and adapt the policy as we go along. We also determine whether the sums insured are adequate. At Club Insure, our cover is fully comprehensive but also flexible as to cater to the needs of the golf club.”

“It is preferable that a golf club has someone living on site, whether this is a steward or a site manager – this tends to demonstrate clubs are eager to reduce risks and are aware of what their members require of them. We like to see a golf club with an active membership, playing and social.”

– “We know what to look out for”

“Our expertise at Club Insure lends towards privately & membership owned clubs. All clubs should have an asset register or an inventory as to what they own. That’s a huge tool, not only for the broker & insurer, but for the club in understanding what they’ own & utilise. If there is a major catastrophe, having this available and up to date will be essential.”

“On visitation we take photos of the risks so that we can present evidence to underwriters. We know what to look out for and we have got a degree of knowledge due to seeing clubs day in, day out.”

“After a visitation, where supporting evidence and photographs are collected, the next step is to complete a risk presentation. We as Brokers would then contact our scheme underwriters to discuss terms, terms can then be presented back to the client. The broker recommends a selection of cover types and a sums insured, and Club Insure aims to cover all the activities of the golf organisation.”

“The cover types include Directors’ and Officers’ insurance which protects the officers & management of the club while carrying out their statutory duties. Employers’ liability is required as the club have a legal duty to look after their employees, protecting them should an accident occur. Public Liability protects the club should they have been deemed to be negligent in respect to third-party injury and property claims. Buildings and Contents Insurance cover property damage in case of incidents such as theft, fire or flood. It also covers the fencing and boundary walls of the course, whereas the greens, tees and playing surfaces are covered under specific Grounds Cover.”

“Business Interruption insurance is also an important cover type. It is essential to protect the income of the club, and therefore protect the members & employees. If the business interruption insurance isn’t correct following a fire or major catastrophe at the club, most clubs will struggle to survive – so it’s important to get the cover correct to suit the membership and the organisation.”

– “A well-managed, well-maintained and well-run club supported by its members”

“We are always asked about what golf clubs can do to reduce their insurance premiums and policy rates. Demonstrating you have a well-managed, well-maintained and well-run club supported by its members will definitely help build confidence with insurers. Honestly, the best option is to use a broker. The role of a broker is to search the market to get the best cover at a fair price for the client.”

“It always best to be open, to have open dialogue. It important to be insured properly in the event of a claim, and this requires the correct information being relayed to the underwriter. Once the cover is agreed, we as a broker will be able to deal with all claims without the golf club’s involvement. Club Insure only use A-rated insurers, and operates on an open relationship with our golf clients.”
