My premises is still unoccupied – is it safe?

Many sporting facilities have been allowed to reopen under new government guidance. These businesses should follow our reopening checklist to ensure risks are minimised. If your premises remains closed and unoccupied, you might think it’s a case of “out of sight, out of mind” but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

By now you will have completed the necessary dormancy checks to make sure your premises is safe while not in use. However, it’s still important to check your premises and make sure risks remain low and no damage has occurred while it has been unoccupied. 

Key points to check

  • All cash and high value items should have been removed from your club already. Check for any signs of break in or damage, and make sure your premises remains secure
  • Check for any damaged pipes, fly tipping or waste build up 
  • Outbuildings should remain safe and secure, with all groundskeeping equipment stored safely (inspect for any damage or defects) 
  • Take inventory of all tools and small equipment to ensure all present and in good working order. Make sure this check is logged 
  • Premises gates and fencing should remain secure and in good condition. Check your club’s grounds and perimeters for any damage, intrusion or hazards which could have developed during dormancy
  • Security Alarms, CCTV, Fire Alarms etc should be turned on and fully functional
  • Gas supply and mains water supply should remain isolated, but continue to be in good order 
  • First aid stocks should be checked, ensuring they are available and in date 
  • Key staff members should continue to follow a rota to check the premises as regularly as possible
  • If you have boarded up your premises, make sure this remains safe 
  • Statutory examinations should be in date and carried out where possible
  • Update risk assessments where relevant and necessary 
  • Check your post regularly! You may still receive important correspondence (including potential claims) that will need your urgent response

You must inform your insurer or broker (that’s us) if there is any change to your business activities. This includes changes to your business operations, Sums Insured or cover requirements. For more information and to speak to your Account Executive, please do get in touch. 

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