Unoccupancy Conditions – Aviva

We have worked with your insurer, Aviva, to ensure that your club remains protected whilst it is mandated to close by the government. This means that throughout any period that you are closed due to government guidance, you will still maintain full cover for your property and will not be subjected to any reduced cover.

This position is however subject to you taking reasonable precautions to protect your premises and comply with some simple risk management procedures.

To keep your premises fully insured, you must:

  • Carry out internal and external inspections of the buildings at least every seven days
  • Maintain a weekly log of the inspections
  • Immediately repair, or arrange to repair, any defects found, including removal of graffiti and in the security or alarm or fire protection installations.
  • Remove all waste either within or outside the buildings, from the Premises.
  • Securely lock all external doors, close and secure all windows.
  • If in relation to any claim for damage whilst your premises are unoccupied you have failed to fulfil any of these conditions, you may not be able to claim.

Please also remember that this extension only applies whilst you are forced to close by the government. When restrictions are lifted, if you choose to remain closed for a longer period, you must let us know immediately.