Step it Up and Stay on Track
If you are planning to step it up in 2021 and you want to track your steps, there are a range of tips and tricks you can implement to record your progress. Various technologies are available or maybe you are a little old-fashioned. Each of these techniques will be relevant to your personal challenge, be it for charity or for your own fitness.
1. A pedometer
There is not a more reliable way to track your steps than with a pedometer. While plenty of souped-up models are out there, something simpler and more affordable will also do the job. Pedometers are both accurate and reliable and can easily be kept in your pocket while you’re out.
Pedometers have a great battery life, much longer than an iPhone. They weigh very little and also often show a calorie count. Some are able to log your progress over a 30 day period. Indeed, simply buying a product to track your steps can provide enough of a boost. A study by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who purchased a pedometer were more active, healthier and had decreased blood pressure compared to those who walked but didn’t invest.

The best-value pedometers out there include:
- Fitbit Inspire
- Fitbud simple step counter
- Omron Walking style
- OZO Fitness SC2
- 3DTriSport walking pedometer

2. Phone apps
All of us have a smartphone, you are probably reading this article on it right now. There are a variety of apps available which will track your steps. If you don’t want to spend money and you have an iPhone 5S or newer or an equivalent android, this could be the option for you.
The best apps include:

- The Health app – already installed on iPhone as part of the IOS 13 update, this app is easy to use and tracks many attributes through the day.
- Google fit – the same as the health app but for androids, download from the Google Play store for free and start earning those points.
- Stepz – free pedometer app, a goal can be set and your burned calories will be calculated.
- Walker – a very attractive interface, it is great for designing workouts around your weight and BMI.
- Pacer – good for friendship groups, it connects with your socials and allows you to compete on public leaderboards.
- Wokamon – Tamagotchi for walkers, level up your monster by feeding it steps. Ideal for those who get bored easily on their walk.
3. Work out your distances
Steps equate to miles. There is a step calculator online which you can use to determine the amount of steps you have done on your weekly walk. Simply input your height and your walking pace as well as the distance you covered and the step calculator will give you a very rough estimate of how many steps you achieved.

You can plan your walks throughout the week and then calculate your steps afterwards. This is a great relaxed way of keeping a record of your activeness.
How to Stay Motivated
Walking initially doesn’t seem like it would require a fitness schedule or any motivational pitches, but the odd step out does wonders for a person’s health. A regular trot around the block is the nation’s favourite past-time with walking residing as the people’s most popular form of exercise. It helps lower cholesterol, relieve joint pain, reduce risk of heart disease and increase strength. Even low levels of exercise are shown to significantly improve over health and wellbeing.
If this is so good for us, then what are the best ways to make sure we continue walking?
- Making walking part of your daily routine is the best way to stay on track. Be this walking to and from work or walking your dog in the evenings; a timed regular walk is the best way to keep your steps up.
- Competition is often the most effective motivator. It pushes you to keep pursuing your goal and even over-step to beat your competitors.
- A target amount every day or every week is a good motivator. You can add this to a fundraising effort or sponsor, making the walk less about yourself. The self-inflicted peer pressure will push you to continue walking.
- Purchase some new shoes or a Fitbit. Similar to a gym membership, now that you’ve bought it you have to use it. The guilt will motivate your actions and before you know it you’ll be out the door putting one foot in front of the other.
Check out Club Insure’s March the Month challenge. Walking 11,000 steps a day for Prostate Cancer UK is a huge feat. The route takes the team from Romero Offices all the way to the Stadium of Light and back. Because of lockdown, this will be done virtually. Learn more about the cause here.