Staying covered during the World Cup

Over 32,000 licensed premises will be showing the World Cup this summer, and your venue may be one of them. Find out how to stay covered and screen matches safely.

Showing non-England matches

It has been ruled that the extended opening times do not apply to non England games, so premises are not permitted to serve alcohol or open later than usual.

Even if your venue has been approved for later opening times for England matches, you must apply for a temporary event notice to show a non-England match – which cost £21 each.

These notices can be rejected, and if you appeal the decision it must be made within 21 days of the application, and lodged at least five days before the event.

The penalties for ignoring the temporary event notices are severe, ranging from up to a £20,000 fine or 6 months in prison.


Tickets can be a good way of making sure that your establishment doesn’t get overcrowded during busy periods and to monitor the amount of people planning to attend so you can prepare.

Using Glass

Using pint glasses and other sorts of glassware is not recommended for the World Cup period, especially during busy England games. Instead, use Polypropylene glasses to minimise the danger from broken glass.

If you decide to allow bottles, make sure that they are cleared regularly and that any spills or breakages are dealt with immediately due to the higher risk of injury to patrons.


Due to the increase in patrons and customers being able to drink for later and longer, it is important to have Security Industry Authority registered security staff. General security measures are also advisable for the World Cup period such as making sure CCTV is installed and fully operational.

If any incidents or trouble do occur, stop serving alcohol and call the police immediately.

Dispersal after the games

It’s your obligation as the licensee to make sure that there is minimal nuisance to local residents during the games and afterwards as people make their way home.

Make taxi numbers and other travel information easily available – perhaps arrange with a local taxi company to make a certain amount of vehicles available for your venue at closing time. This is to ensure that customers leave quickly and safely, reducing the risk to the licensee of an incident.

The England Fixtures are as follows:

England v Italy – Saturday 14 June 11pm

England v Uruguay – Thursday 19 June 8pm

England v Costa Rica – Tuesday 24 June 5pm

The World Cup is set to be an extremely popular period for the hospitality and leisure industry, with working mens clubs and sports clubs set to enjoy a boost in popularity as patrons flock to watch the football.

Staying covered

Make sure you make the most of this period and don’t get caught offside by failing to prepare for dangers of having extra people in your establishment.

To get in touch with Club Insure about a flexible insurance policy or for more advice about staying covered get in touch on 0344 488 9204 or via our contact page.
