Working Men’s Clubs

We’re proud to deliver comprehensive insurance cover for Working Men’s Clubs

There are over 2,200 affiliated Working Men’s Clubs here in the UK. These clubs are a vital part of our towns and cities, and members across the country rely on Working Men’s Clubs for social activities and events. 

Read more about the importance of Working Men’s Clubs

We’re proud to deliver comprehensive insurance cover for Working Men’s Clubs. The Club Insure team understands that these clubs carry unique risks, ranging from licensing issues through to larger community events or activities. 

Technology is great. It allows us to send documents electronically, chat digitally and arrange insurance policies over the phone. But nothing beats visiting your club and getting to know you personally. 

Our account executives are sociable, friendly professionals. We want you to have a long-standing relationship with them, not a long distance one. 

What insurance cover will I need?

No two clubs are the same, but there are certain types of insurance cover you’ll need to protect your business. 

Buildings and Contents

Protect your property and your assets. If an incident occurs, you’ll be financially covered and able to get your building and belongings repaired/replaced as soon as possible.

Public Liability

Any establishment open to members of the public must protect themselves against claims. If a customer has an accident or an incident occurs, you don’t want to be left paying legal costs or compensation settlements.

Employers’ Liability

Your staff or volunteers could suffer an injury or illness while working for your club. Make sure you keep your people and your business protected.

Business Interruption

An unexpected incident could occur that means you’re temporarily not able to trade. Business Interruption gives you the opportunity to weather that storm and get your club back up and running.

Money Cover

Money Cover will protect your club financially if you lose money either kept on the premises or while in transit.

Additional protection

You wouldn’t expect your club to be hit by a cyber or terror attack, but you should never rest on your laurels. Our team will be able to advise on the additional cover you might need to comprehensively protect your Working Men’s Club.

Get in touch with the Club Insure team