New cover enhancements for Sports Clubs

As part of our ongoing mission to make sure you’re getting the best from us, and from your policy, we’ve been working hard to create some new enhancements available by request on all Sports club policies.

Thanks to our number one position in the sports club market, and our knowledge and expertise in the sector, we’ve worked closely with insurers to get you even more from your policy. Thanks to the quality of our in house underwriting controls, insurers treat sports club policies coming through Club Insure with preferential favour, meaning you get a better policy, at a competitive price.

Some policies may have already included these enhancements, but we’ve worked to make sure that every Sports club has access to these great benefits which are:

Average Waiver

Provided you have had a RICS valuation done in the last 3 years and insured at a level recommended by them, Average won’t apply to your policy meaning you’ll get the full value you’re insured for.

Cash Carrying Limits

Higher limits allow more cash to be taken to banks by fewer people, giving you more flexibility as to when and how you bank your takings.

High Gaming Machine Cover

We can now offer cover for gambling machines holding more money than before, up now to £2,500. Simply put, this is more cover for the same price, giving you more flexibility on the type of machine you can get in your club without having to worry about running it by us and the insurer.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can benefit from these enhancements, talk to your dedicated account executive, or get in touch with our specialist team here.
