The Romero Group Charitable Trust will be providing scholarship grants of up to £500.
Golf Scholarship Applications are open until Friday 9th August 2024
Apply for a Young Golfer Summer Scholarship
The purpose of these grants is to support golf clubs in encouraging young golfers into the sport. The intention is that these grants support individual young golfers, so clubs are encouraged to apply for scholarship funding to be used for a specific child.
This objective is for golf courses to gain access to funds that will have the maximum impact for a young individual beneficiary.
Supporting Golf Clubs and Young Golfers
Grants will be given to help UK golf clubs develop, grow & encourage young golfers into the sport. The purpose of the grants is to ensure the game is accessible for young people from any background who might not have the resources to take up the sport independently.
Grants of up to £500 will be provided to the club, in order to fund the purchase of necessary equipment for a nominated child as well as the provision for introductory golf lessons for a young person to take part.
The grants should be applied for in order to support a specific beneficiary, who should be under the age of 16 years old at the time of application.
For any application, please provide detail regarding the young person you intend to support with the grant – this can be provided anonymously (you don’t need to name the young person), but it would benefit our trustees to understand the individual situation of the recipient to ensure we are support those most in need.
We will strive to support as many individuals as possible, but please remember not every application will receive funding and the decision of the charity trustees is final.
Firstly, go to this link at the Romero Group Charity site.
Then check your project adheres to the requirements of the golf scholarship.
To ensure our funding reaches those who need it most and is invested responsibly, we must ensure that any grant recipients adhere to the following guidelines. Your project must:
- be submitted by an applicant aged 18 or older
- be UK based and for the benefit of UK communities
- not be used for commercial gain of an individual or organisation (the project raising funds which are reinvested into the project is acceptable – eg. From discretionary donations for individuals to take part)
Your organisation must:
- have a bank account in its own name and have been operating for at least 12 months
Learn More about the Golf Scholarship from Romero Group Charity and give your golf club a boost
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