Fire Safety in your Venue

There has always been issues surrounding fire arrangements in Nightclubs, Late Bars, Working Mens clubs etc.

Enforcement agencies have highlighted problems in relation to members of the public (MOP’s) not being informed of an establishments emergency fire evacuation procedures and how the responsible person ensures safe egress of MOP’s in the case of an emergency evacuation. In a working situation the responsible person has much more control but this diminishes when considering influencing factors such as alcohol, disabled persons and OAP’s.

Your venue still has to conform with current fire legislation i.e. completion of a fire risk assessment but may fail when it comes to organising dedicated Fire Marshals (FM’s) to aid evacuation.

All clubs, bars and pubs must have the following fire arrangements in place:

  • Up to date fire risk assessment
  • Dedicated fire arrangements in relation to signage
  • Arrangements to raise an alarm in the case of a fire emergency
  • Accessible fire fighting equipment
  • Employed staff must be trained in the safe use of fire extinguisher and any other fire equipment that may be available.
  • Working and maintained emergency egress doors that are single action opening and which lead to a safe place
  • Dedicated emergency lighting that is maintained accordingly
  • Establishment of dedicated evacuation routes
  • Arrangements to contact the emergency services
  • Someone to take on the responsibility of Responsible Person i.e. one who ensures all the above is implemented and maintained

The information above is only a sample of what should be considered when establishing a buildings fire safety arrangements. A competent person with specialist knowledge should be used to carry out a fire risk assessment survey. The assessment will establish suitable control measures and will ensure a safer environment for all concerned.

If you need more information please get in touch.
