Dealing with threats to a licence – how to defend yourself against regulatory action

If you are a licence holder, there are a variety of conditions that you have to observe in order to keep that licence. If something happens that jeopardises your licence, your entire business could be at stake as well as your own livelihood. Would you have the resources and know-how to defend yourself in such a situation, or would you need expert legal representation and advice to protect you?

Legal expertise and first-class representation give you the defence you need against all eventualities.

The client is a national retailer with both on- and off-licence premises. Accusations were made that there had been a series of licensing breaches regarding the sale of alcohol and tobacco to both intoxicated and underage persons. The police and Trading Standards began investigations which resulted in allegations against both the individual licence holder and the employer.

The client contacted rradar, whose professional lawyers mounted a successful defence against accusations that there had been breaches of the licensing laws. rradar also defended the employer, using evidence that there was a due diligence process in place.

Following the successful defence, rradar assisted the client by carrying out training to improve the processes in place. The client was able to carry on trading without worrying about further legal action.
