© Club Insure Ltd Registered in England & Wales no. 03535054 Club Insure Is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority no. 304875

Find out how the Romero Group Charitable Trust are providing £1000 cricket club grants
The grant applications have closed for 2024. They closed on 6th March. However, cricket clubs can still apply for grants with Club Insure.
Between 1st January 2024 and 6th March 2024, the Romero Group Charitable Trust will be providing grants of up to £1,000 per organisation throughout our grant giving campaign.
Any applications must be able to demonstrate how the requested funds will be spent, providing itemised quotes to demonstrate where the funding will be used.
Grants will be given to help UK cricket clubs to develop & grow the opportunities for young cricketers in their area. The purpose of these grants is to ensure a strong pipeline of young people coming into the sport, ensuring it’s resilience for the future and to engage more communities in the sport. This is to help young people stay active, build relationships and learn a new skill.
Grants could be used to provide kit or equipment, refurbish facilities to be more suitable for the time, space and expertise to launch successful youth engagement programmes.
For any application, you must be able to evidence how you plan to engage the community and demonstrate the impact your project will have on your community.
We will strive to support as many projects as possible, but please remember not every application will receive funding and the decision of the charity trustees is final.
To ensure our funding reaches those who need it most and is invested responsibly, we must ensure that any grant recipients adhere to the following guidelines.
Your project must:
Your organisation must:
Club Insure Ltd
Romero House
8 Airport West
Lancaster Way
LS19 7ZA
© Club Insure Ltd Registered in England & Wales no. 03535054 Club Insure Is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority no. 304875