Club Insure Partners with hero Wellbeing

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with hero wellbeing to launch their new app, Navigator!

The app and online platform will help our staff keep track of their personal health and wellbeing by linking to wearables such as Apple Watches and Fitbits, and giving key information about nutrition, sleep and exercise through the wellbeing library.

It’s already been really popular with our employees, who have logged more than 1 million steps already.

We’ve always been passionate about our wellbeing. We already run running clubs, wellbeing challenges and lunchtime mindfulness sessions. The partnership with hero will connect all the current activity as well as encouraging staff to live a healthier life away from work.

The partnership has already started with a series of one-to-one health checks for the Director of Content and Delivery at hero, Andy Romero-Birbeck.

The health checks measure height, weight, cholesterol levels, hip to waist ratio and a number of other health indicating factors. The information gathered via this health check will combine with the answers from lifestyle questions answered through the app to give a user a general idea of their health and areas for improvement.

We’ve already started to set some challenges for our staff within the app, and we’re delighted to say that some friendly rivalry has already started with staff members showing they’re committed to losing weight and gaining a positive work-life balance.

For more information about our commitment to staff wellbeing and happiness, contact us using the button at the top of this page!
