Club Insure goes yellow for World Mental Health Day

Today we’re supporting Mind by wearing yellow for World Mental Health Day.

Here at Club Insure we prioritise our staff wellbeing, from offering mindfulness classes right through to weekly lunchtime walks. Our culture is a friendly and open one – and we like to think our team knows they can talk to their colleagues across every level of the business.

Wellbeing impacts everyone. And it’s important we all get talking about it. 

How does World Mental Health Day impact me?

Whether you’re the manager of a club, a volunteer, or a member of a committee – it’s everyone’s responsibility to look out for one another and get talking about mental health.

  • If you’re concerned about a member of staff or a customer, talk to them! You’d be surprised how much a chat over a coffee can help.
  • Have an open door policy. Our team knows they can chat to anyone, anytime.
  • Make sure your team knows how to seek further help and advice – try sending out a regular newsletter and include helpful information about wellbeing.

If you’re responsible for managing a employees or volunteers, check out this great page on taking care of your team.

How is your club getting involved in World Mental Health Day?

Whether you’re organising a fundraising activity or starting out with a hashtag, every contribution helps to get the conversation going. Let us know how you’re supporting World Mental Health Day on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
