CCTV for Sports Clubs, Social Clubs and Working Men’s Clubs is essential
Whether we like it or not, the statistics show that CCTV has become a cultural normality for society.
- Six crimes a day are solved by CCTV in London alone (says the Metropolitan Police)
- Where CCTV was present, UK cities experienced a 10% decrease in crime (says the College of Policing)
- The average Briton is caught on camera 70 times a day (says ACPO)
- There are estimated to be over 5million CCTV cameras in the UK (says the British Security Industry Association)
- 81% of adults saw CCTV as a positive tool in the fight against crime (says YouGov)

What are the Laws regarding CCTV?
The Data Protection Act (1998) is a law which applies to the storage of information. It is designed to prevent the misuse of personal information by placing legal obligations on anybody who handles it. The Data Protection Act laws provide a means of regulatory control on the use of CCTV. This ensures that individuals may enjoy security whilst being assured that rights to personal privacy will not be unduly compromised.
Therefore, a retention time of 31 days has commonly been used for most CCTV facilities – this is the time frame recommended by the police force.
A 30 day retention time is not mandatory. It may be appropriate to make your decision on the retention times according to the likely severity of the incident that requires monitoring. With sufficient reasoning or suspicion, clubs are able to retain CCTV of incidents or timeframes for longer than 31 days. This is useful for any recorded slips or trips why you predict may result in a claim.
Criminal abuse of CCTV regulations
Because CCTV regulations are a culture normality, we have seen cases of individuals deliberately falling, and making claims immediately after the 30 day period.
In our experience, this has recently happened to three clubs. On two of these occasions, the clubs have had claims come in after the 30 day period, but their late reporting has meant that the CCTV evidence to support their case had been automatically wiped. However, one club still had the evidence 34 days after the incident and the claim was successfully repudiated.
How to reduce the risk of exploitation of rules around CCTV usage?
To reduce the risk of being made victim to fraudulent claims after 31 days, clubs should save CCTV data capture when they experience or suspect an incident which could become a claim. For example, a slip, spillage, trip, violence, breakage, vandalism, theft, fire, flood, leak, or presence of an unknown individual; this is enough reason to warrant keeping data capture beyond the legally permitted 31 days.
CCTV evidence is key to reducing claims activity and protecting businesses, so utilise this defensive tool when you can. Teach staff members how to access the CCTV and remind them to note down timings of when notable events happen.

CCTV recommendation for clubs
Effective CCTV surveillance is highly recommended by insurers and brokers. However unlike some policy types, sports club liability insurance and working men’s club liability insurance do not have a strict set of obligations or requirements.
As a dedicated broker, Club Insure will provide guidance on how to properly position and layout your CCTV in order to meet the expectations of insurers. Ultimately having effective CCTV in place will lead to reduced premiums and better claims results.
Here are some CCTV recommendations to be aware of:
Where you place your CCTV is crucial. Cameras need to provide maximum surveillance as well as focus on specific areas. Key areas include:
- All entrances and exits
- Bar and drink service areas
- Dispensing machines
- Cash machines
- Tills and registers
- Lobby areas and dance floor areas
- All stairwells
- Any areas where security personnel are working
- Entrances of storage areas with valuables present – such as a trophy cabinet
*avoid pointing cameras at third party properties or the street. People may object to being filmed, causing issues.
Signage and information
It is crucial commercial businesses let their customers and staff know that CCTV is present. This can be done with adequate signage.
On your website, or in physical information about the club, it should also include awareness on the presence of CCTV and data capture technology.
Registering and Paying the data protection fee
All businesses must register and pay a data protection fee to the Information Commissioner’s Office, unless you’re exempt.
Check if you need to pay the data protection fee here.
Consider audio
Many cameras can record sound. This is rarely proven useful. Recording conversations is intrusive and difficult to justify. In some circumstances it may be justified, such as if your staff are subject to frequent, verbal abuse from customers. If you decide this is the way forward for your business, you must make clear to people that your CCTV captures audio as well as images.
Create a document explaining your CCTV usage
This document explains your reasoning for having CCTV in place. This is necessary because of data protection laws. It should include:
- Reason for placements
- How you hope to minimise impact on people’s privacy
- Who is responsible for the CCTV
- Who you share the data with
- How long you keep the data
Included in this document should be relevant audits. It is recommended club owners check their CCTV is in good working order every security audit. Audits are recommended to be taken every quarter.
CCTV placement is subjective for every club. Club Insure is able to arrange a visitation where one of our experts can assist in recommended installation of your CCTV.
Contact Club Insure for assistance with CCTV installation and creating documentation.