Bonfire Night & Halloween

Anti-social behaviour associated with the firework period has become a major issue for many communities in the UK.

Halloween and bonfire night for example, and the days running up to them, are traditionally some of the busiest nights of the year for the police, the fire brigade and other agencies. The anti-social use of fireworks and the resultant damage which can be caused to property is a serious concern, posing a threat to all types of buildings, including commercial and industrial premises, and to business continuity.

As far as this relates to the business community, the risk posed by fireworks, whether as a result of anti-social behaviour, or merely an accident caused by burning debris, can be significantly reduced
by observing the following basic precautions:

Ensure that all areas of the premises are made secure at the end of the working day and doors, windows, skylights and other possible means of entry through which fireworks could be introduced are properly closed and locked.

In areas where the risk of antisocial behaviour is perceived as high, consideration should be given to protecting letter boxes internally with proprietary metal containers, designed to contain fires from lighted materials such as fireworks. A number of such products are widely available, including those which incorporate an automatic fire extinguisher, offering enhanced protection.

Take particular care to ensure that all yards and open areas surrounding the premises are clear of accumulated rubbish and that waste bins are appropriately located and secured.

Timber pallets, plastic crates and other combustible materials stored in the open should be kept to a minimum and located a suitable distance away from the buildings.

Flammable liquids and gases should be confined to their designated storage facilities.

Vegetation surrounding the buildings is cut back and removed.

Whilst mainly focusing on Halloween and bonfire night, these measures will also apply to other events which attract the use of fireworks such as New Year celebrations and Diwali, and to reducing the risk of malicious fires in general.
