Beware of unethical club insurance brokers

Why it is important to research your club insurance broker?

Club managers need to be aware of the dramatic rise in unscrupulous and unethical brokers. We have been notified of deceitful and untrustworthy individuals trying to con club managers into switching to their inferior insurance product. They promise artificially reduced renewals, when in actuality their cover is inadequate and leave your club at major risk.

Sports and social club managers are often volunteers or sports professionals without experience handling insurance. In trying to do the best by your club, you understandably put your trust in a broker, in the belief that they have the club’s best interests at heart – when in fact the broker merely wants to win your business.

Time and time again, we have seen brokers taking advantage of this trust. They may offer reduced cover at a lower premium, or don’t include the necessary contents of the club. Worst still, the trusting club manager won’t realise the risk they are in until it’s too late, and they’ve been stung by a claim costing them thousands.

Recently, we have seen this unethical practice on the rise! From overly onerous policy conditions, to consciously underinsuring your club, these brokers are taking your premiums and leaving your club at major risk of closure.

Remember: if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

It is essential to do your due diligence on your broker before arranging or switching insurers. You must look out for their experience, their longevity, their specialisms and their track record.

1. Read testimonials

    Who insures your neighbour club and what do they think about them? Testimonials and reviews say a lot about the customer service and success of a broker.

    Check out Club Insure’s testimonials and reviews here

    2. Research your account handler

    It’s the people behind the broker who make the business what it is. Look up your Account Handler or Account Executive online to review their experience and specialisms. Perhaps find their number and call them for a conversation about your club.

    3. Ask for a Confidential Review

    At Club Insure we provide a free, non-invasive review of a club’s insurance details. This will not affect their current circumstance, but provides a second opinion on the welfare of their insurance coverage. A confidential review is completely free and highly recommended when considering switching brokers.

    To start a confidential review, contact Club Insure.

    Face to Face Service

    It’s important to remember that without seeing your club, a broker cannot fully understand your unique risks. Even without meaning to – this lack of understanding, can lead to underinsurance, or gaps in your cover.

    The only way to eliminate this risk, is to work with a broker which guarantees in-person service. Club Insure has been trusted by the Association of Conservative Clubs for over 10 years, thanks to our commitment to visit every club we work with. With a dedicated point of contact who truly understands your club, you will receive the most accurate cover that doesn’t leave you exposed.

    Review your policy

    Underinsurance is the easiest and quickest way to reduce premiums. Underinsurance puts clubs at a huge risk of losing out upon making a claim. An unscrupulous broker can easily say that the underinsurance is a club managers fault for not correctly reporting your sums insured.

    Also missing essential aspects of your club, or removing specific contents from the policy can also reduce premiums and is a trick used by unethical brokers.

    The best way to resolve this issue is to get a second opinion, and undertake a confidential review. Contact Club Insure to start yours today.

    Tailored Policies

    The unique needs of clubs require unique policies, designed with clubs in mind. Thanks to Club Insure’s long relationships with A-rated UK insurers, we have devised specialist policies designed with the needs of clubs in mind.

    To learn more about the qualities of our comprehensive cover, talk to an Account Manager at Club Insure.

    What is different about Club Insure?

    As the UK’s leading Club Insurance broker, we have almost 30 years’ experience working alongside clubs. We insure most of the UK’s sports and social clubs, and are the UK’s most trusted broker.

    We have built up an in-depth understanding of the sector to ensure we can deliver policies and service tailored to the unique requirements of clubs. It’s also why we’re trusted by the leading associations, including the Association of Conservative Clubs.

    Our understanding of social and working men’s clubs means we know what risks you face, and how to best protect you from them. We have worked with insurers to devise policies that are tailored around what clubs need, to ensure you’re not left exposed. Whilst other brokers may offer to insure your club, most other policies have exclusions and limitations which could put you at risk.

    Here’s how Club Insure compares to other brokers.

    CoverOther BrokersClub Insure
    Unoccupied PropertyCover usually ceases from the day the premises becomes unoccupiedFull cover for 30 days. Cover for fire, lightening, explosion & aircraft property damage thereafter.
    GardensLimited to £5,000 per claimLandscaped gardens up to £25,000 per claim
    Cash CarryingLimited to one person up to £2,500Up to £4,999 for one person
    Cups & TrophiesLimited to £5,000 for any one lossCover for up to £10,000 for any one loss
    FloodlightsLimited to £15,000 for any one loss & in the aggregateFull cover up to your sums insured (exc. Weather related perils)
    Car Park LiabilityLimited to £10,000 any one incidentFull cover up to your Public Liability Limit in any one incident
    Cover varies from broker to broker, but these are common limits and restrictions we see regularly. This table represents an average of the limits imposed on clubs, in comparison to the enhanced cover available from Club Insure.

    Warning – Some brokers have been calling clubs telling them that their Club Insure contact is no longer working with us, and providing other misinformation as an attempt to undermine our relationship.

    You will always receive timely updates from our team, and we would never make changes to your points of contact without talking to you first. We’re proud of the relationships we build with our clients. We always want to be doing the best for your club, so if you ever have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to talk to your usual point of contact.
