Asbestos behaviour change campaign scoops top award

HSE’s ‘Beware Asbestos’ safety campaign received a gold award for innovation at this year’s Institute of Promotional Marketing (IPM) Awards.

HSE and creative communications agency, 23Red (who worked with HSE to design the safety kits and develop a partnership marketing arrangement ), collected the award for ‘Best use of innovation in a business-to-business campaign using incentive or promotional products’ category at an awards ceremony on Tuesday 9 June.

HSE and 23Red wins award for ‘Beware Asbestos’ campaign

The behaviour change campaign was launched in September 2014 and was aimed at tradespeople who are most at risk from exposure to asbestos. It included the distribution of 200,000 asbestos safety kits through TradePoint stores and the development of a web app to help identify where asbestos could be and offer advice on how to manage the risks.

The safety kits were an integral part of the campaign and contained ‘quick guide’ cards that provide simple ‘how to’ information to help drive behaviour change, as well as free protective ‘Type 5’ overalls to support safer working.

The Health and Safety Executive’s Head of Corporate Communications, Sarah Dean Kelly, said: “It is fantastic that the campaign has received the recognition it deserves. Communications and policy colleagues have worked incredibly hard over a long period of time to develop the campaign using the insight we gathered about the audience and to deliver the campaign in a way that would both engage those at risk, and also prompt behaviour change.

“We are in the process of developing proposals for a phase two of Beware Asbestos so this is well-timed and much-welcomed recognition and encouragement.”

The campaign was assessed against the following criteria: having clear and measurable objectives; evidence of effectiveness and results; creativity; and innovation.

IPM judges commented that the campaign had a ‘good use of different comms media and execution techniques to tackle an important health and safety issue. This campaign saves lives!’

Notes to Editors:
1. The Health and Safety Executive is Britain’s national regulator for workplace health and safety. It aims to reduce work-related death, injury and ill health. It does so through research, information and advice, promoting training, new or revised regulations and codes of practice, and working with local authority partners by inspection, investigation and enforcement.
2. Further information about the campaign is available at
3. The app can be accessed by the following link –
Press enquiries
All enquiries from journalists should be directed to the HSE Press Office
