The Final May Bank Holiday is just around the corner

But have you considered your insurance requirements during the bank holiday frivolities? Bank holidays means long weekends – An opportunity to hold an outdoor event to entice customers into your establishment, here are a few considerations to ensure that your clubs and bars are adequately covered and your licensees are aware of the latest legislation. […]

Keep safe from Deep Fat Fryer Fires

Deep fat fryers are a common piece of equipment in many clubs, sports clubs and all manner of leisure and hospitality establishments. Find out the things you MUST do to protect yourself, your staff and your venue. Fires caused by deep fat fryers can have disastrous consequences and cause untold damage to your hospitality and […]

Gable expects up to £8m pre-tax loss in 2015

According to Insurance Times, who also reported that Gable had missed the Solvency II capital deadline. Unrated Insurers Using unrated insurers is a breach of an insurance broker’s duty of care, and something we would never do. If you are using an insurance broker who does uses unrated insurers like Gable, a client can take […]

Don’t Be Exposed

The first day of spring has now passed and although the weather in the UK is still somewhat unpredictable many clubs will be thinking about getting their green keeping and maintenance equipment out of storage to prepare the grounds for the summer ahead. Club Insure took several reports of thefts from outbuildings last year so […]

Easter Bank Holiday is just around the corner

but have you considered your insurance requirements during the bank holiday frivolities? Easter brings with it the long weekend – An opportunity to hold an outdoor event to entice customers into your establishment, here are a few considerations to ensure that your clubs and bars are adequately covered and your licensees are aware of the […]

Health & Safety – New Sentencing Guidelines Effective from 1st February 2016

The biggest changes in the last 40 years are about to alter the Health & Safety landscape, with fines up to TEN TIMES HIGHER than their previous levels. The future will see individuals (directors and managers) being sent to prison in cases where previously this would not have happened. This is the new Tariff Based […]

Winners of Schemes Broker of the Year 2015

We are pleased to announce that Club Insure are winners of the Schemes Broker of Year 2015, another fantastic achievement in what has been a great year for Club Insure who have picked up no less than 3 winners awards.

Bonfire Night & Halloween

Anti-social behaviour associated with the firework period has become a major issue for many communities in the UK. Halloween and bonfire night for example, and the days running up to them, are traditionally some of the busiest nights of the year for the police, the fire brigade and other agencies. The anti-social use of fireworks […]

Burglar Proof Your Business

Burglar Proof Your Business Burglary: an unlawful entry with or without force to commit a theft or other crime. Can you afford to ignore burglary prevention? As the fastest growing insurance broker to over 2000 sports, social, political, community and private clubs throughout the UK, we pride ourselves on having dealt with (and successfully defended) […]