Club Insure have been Shortlisted in the British Claims Awards!

We’re delighted to say that Club Insure are shortlisted for the ‘Broker of the Year’ award at the British Claims Awards 2018. We don’t make a habit of bragging about our achievements, but this one we’re especially proud of. And we’re not proud because we’re one of only 6 shortlisted brokers, although that is a […]

GDPR – Important Update – How we handle your data

Data Protection law is changing and we want to keep you up to date with the steps Club Insure is taking. On the 25th May the General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR, comes into effect. GDPR imposes additional obligations on organisations and gives you extra rights around how your data is used. We want […]

Club Insure win Claims Training Solution of the Year

  We are pleased to announce we won this prestigious award which was held Royal Garden Hotel in London on Thursday evening Our entry was based on our constant commitment to training of staff and customers alike and seeing the benefits of this investment through knowledgeable staff and happy customers who are better equipped to […]

The May bank holiday is just around the corner – things to remember

  If you are planning any events at your venue this bank holiday here are a few considerations to ensure that your bars and clubs are adequately covered and your licensees are aware of the latest legislation. Does your insurance cover such an event? Are you even aware of your insurance responsibilities? Insurance If you […]

Winners – Business Policy of the Year 2018

Winners – Business Policy of the Year 2018 Club Insure are proud to announce they won SME Business Policy of the Year at the Commercial Insurance Awards which were held in London on 8th March 2018. This further concretes our position as the leading broker in the social & sports club insurance arena.

Health & Safety – 5 Top Tips

Health & Safety – 5 Top Tips   Who is your ‘Competent Person’: Under the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, a company must designate a ‘competent person’ who is able to help you meet the requirements of health and safety law. This may be a current employee, team of employees or […]

What to do if Travellers enter your land illegally

How can you protect your venue from having its licence removed? There has been some high profile cases over the last few years such as Fabric, Niche & Rainbow Venues where licences have been suspended and in some cases lost altogether. At NDML we have worked closely with the NTIA (Night Time Industries Association) to […]

Golf Buggy Battery Thefts

GOLF BUGGY BATTERY THEFTS In recent months, golf clubs have been targeted by thieves for the batteries in their golf buggies, which in a lot of instances are kept in the open when not in use or when the course is shut, making it quite easy for any would be thieves to just come along […]


  It is sometimes difficult to know how to complete all the legal requirements and to understand what they all are. Here is a quick guide to help you understand a risk assessment better. What are they? A risk assessment is essentially a form that helps identify the actual and the potential risks that could […]