Trusting an unrated insurer could be an own goal for your club

Insurance gives you the peace of mind that if an accident or injury were to happen at your club, you wouldn’t face financial turmoil. But that’s exactly what could happen if you choose to place your cover with an unrated insurer. An unrated insurer is one that hasn’t been graded by insurance rating organisations like […]

Should you take part in Tax Equality Day?

Tim Martin, chairman of Wetherspoon, has recently called on pub and restaurant operators to show their support for a UK-wide Tax Equality Day. Scheduled for September 13th, Tax Equality Day will highlight the benefit in cutting VAT and has support from the BBPA (British Beer and Pub Association). Wetherspoon’s pubs in the UK will, for […]

Insurance for Golf Clubs? Do you mean Insurance for Golf Courses?

Just a quick blog from us today. Recently, we’ve had a few customers ask us why they can’t find insurance for golf clubs on our site. We tell them that we don’t offer insurance policies for 9 irons and sand wedges. But it turns out that they didn’t mean insurance for the equipment; they’re talking […]

5 Ways your club could make better use of social media

How to improve a sports and social clubs’s social media? Most sports and social clubs know how important social media can be, but many aren’t sure about the best ways to use it. Social media is a fantastic way to increase membership and show the world what a great place your club is to be. […]

The heatwave is here

But have you considered your insurance requirements as the temperature heats up? As the heatwave continues there are more opportunities to hold outdoor events to entice customers into your establishment – A barbeque or summer garden party. Here are a few considerations to ensure that your bars and clubs are adequately covered and your licensees […]

What does Cheap Insurance Really Mean?

There’s no denying that we live in a society that’s becoming more time poor. Juggling home life and work commitments can take up nearly all of our time. That doesn’t mean that understanding your insurance option should take a back seat. It’s often only thought of when a crisis arises and it’s too late. We’re […]

Do trespassers have the right to make a claim?

You may have seen the sensational headlines in the news over the last few years: ‘burglar sues after falling through kitchen roof’, or ‘family forced to pay damages after trespasser trips in their garden’. They’re pretty common and designed to cause outrage among the newspaper’s readers. Surely a trespasser, who has no legal right to […]

Is Grassroots rugby going through a crisis?

2003 was supposed to be the dawn of a new age. World cup success for England would create a nation in love with the oval ball. Forget football. That game had had its chance. And then 2015 came along. A world cup on home soil. A chance for youngsters up and down the country to […]

Asbestos – A Duty to Manage

What is are club owners’ duties around asbestos? As club owners or managers, you have a general duty to protect any person, staff or member of the public, from exposure to asbestos. It’s important that you understand the risks and how to manage them. In this blog, we’ll briefly explore what the term ‘asbestos’ actually […]

How to reduce the risk of being a victim of Gaming Machine theft

  How to reduce the risk of being a victim of Gaming Machine theft The number of thefts from gaming machines appears to be on the rise again in recent months and so pubs and clubs are advised to be vigilant. Organised gangs are targeting gaming machines with a view to stealing cash from them. A method […]