Bonfire Night Dos and Don’ts

Women in front of bonfire

Bonfire night is approaching and clubs up and down the country are preparing to put on amazing shows of roaring fires and big bang fireworks. Bonfire night events can be a great little money earner for your club, especially if you make the most of the opportunity with an outside bar and snacks stall. But […]

Handling health and safety issues – how to mount a robust defence

Justice Scales

An injury to a customer can leave the business owner facing investigation, allegation and possibly prosecution. If this happens to you, do you have the expertise and resources to mount an effective defence? Immediate assistance, expert advice and representation – key weapons in your arsenal The client is a restaurant. A member of staff serving […]

Room for improvement? Dealing with the fallout from health and safety

Room for improvement? Dealing with the fallout from health and safety A health and safety incident can lead to serious consequences and you need to ensure you have the facts you need to defend yourself. Get it right and you can protect both your business and your employees. Advice and guidance 24/7 – dealing with […]

Who is your ‘Competent Person’?

By Nathan Jones, Director & Head of Health & Safety at Club Insure Risk Management You may, or may not, be aware that under regulation 7 of the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, all employers must appoint a competent person to help you meet your health & safety duties. The Health […]

Family Businesses – A Health and Safety view

Person pulling a pint

Running a family business can sometimes mean that policies and procedures may be treated as being ‘flexible’ and so we thought we’d take a look at some of the challenges that a family business may face: The size of the business can have a great impact on compliance, especially if there are less than 5 […]

Are grassroots football’s problems deeper than we think?

With the whole sport changing, we’re asking whether amateur football is still the draw that it used to be. We’re not just talking about playing numbers, although that is still cause for concern for the FA despite what their press releases may have you believe. Recent statistics show a slight surge in playing numbers, but […]

Golf club death provides stark reminder about the need for proper Risk Management

A recent law suit against Hinckley Golf Club after the death of one of their employees, shows that risk management has to be much more than a box-ticking exercise. In fact, the incident proves that thorough checks, adequate operator training, risk assessment, planning and implementation of suitable controls are the key to ensuring employee safety, […]

Are you compliant with money cover and key conditions?

Just a short blog from us today, but a very important one. Recently, we’ve witnessed claims from our clients, where thieves have broken into safes using keys kept in nearby key boxes. This is desperately frustrating and we feel for every single victim of this crime. However, keeping keys in key boxes is actually in […]