5 ways to keep long-standing members happy when you’re planning big changes

A short while ago, a nationally-known brand bought out a leisure club very close to the Club Insure head office. The club is now going through a big transition. They’re refurbishing, updating technology and changing all the sign posts so that they’re in keeping with other clubs under the umbrella. For some of the club’s […]
Interpretation of Warranty Case Study: Why expertise is so important

Insurance needs expertise. And we’re not just saying that because we’re considered the leading experts in sports and social club insurance in the UK. Insurance can be complicated and subject to interpretation, so it’s important that you know what you’re looking for when you’re going through your policy wording. For this blog, we thought we’d […]
Learning how to use our new defibrillator!

This week, Club Insure staff have spent time learning how to use the new defibrillator which will be permanently housed on the outside of our head office in Leeds. After having recently experienced the devastation that can come from heart-related illness, our staff are keen to prevent others feeling the same loss. We’ve purchased the […]
Club Insure Partners with hero Wellbeing

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with hero wellbeing to launch their new app, Navigator! The app and online platform will help our staff keep track of their personal health and wellbeing by linking to wearables such as Apple Watches and Fitbits, and giving key information about nutrition, sleep and exercise through the wellbeing […]
Running your club’s risk management effectively: what systems should you have in place?

One of the most common causes of claims at a club is lack of proper risk management. So many incidents can be avoided if the proper precaution was taken in the first place. Insurance is a matter of risk transfer. If your risk is higher, you’ll have to pay the insurer more to transfer it […]
When should you use Club Insure?

We’re often asked whether we can provide policies for ‘x’ type of club or ‘y’ type of risk. They’re all very reasonable questions. Insurance is such a broad subject that no broker could ever offer insurance for everything. And neither would they want to. As a specialist broker, we provide top-class expertise and experience for […]
Why regular boiler inspections and maintenance are critical for your club

At this time of year, boiler maintenance is absolutely critical. No customers will want to spend their money in a club where they will be sat frozen. But more importantly, gas appliances and flues must, by law, have annual safety checks. Gas appliances includes boilers, as well as appliances such as stoves and fireplaces. The […]
This is what happens when your broker fights for your cause

You have to have a certain something about you to work for Club Insure. Experience and expertise are non-negotiable, but there’s something else we look for in potential team members. That’s determination and a willingness to fight for our clients. Insurance is very rarely simple. Sometimes when you make a claim, you don’t get the […]
Wellbeing in the workplace
Wellbeing is not a brand new concept, but will take on critical urgency in 2019 due to a convergence of technological, economic and socio-cultural factors. Here, Joanne Fearon, one of our HR Advisors at Club Insure Risk Management, explains what wellbeing is and offers advice on how to improve employees’ wellbeing in the workplace. […]
We’ve been shortlisted

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve been nominated for not one, but two awards at the Commercial Insurance Awards! We’re finalists in the Broker of the Year and Regional Broker of the Year categories. The winners are announced in an award ceremony on the 7th March next year. This is the 6th year the awards […]