Club Insure March the Month

Social March the month Main

We will be keeping track of our progress throughout the month with our Step Counter. View our travel route to the Stadium of Light to see how far each of our participants are virtually walking.

Yorkshire Financial Awards 2021 Shortlist

Club Insure has been shortlisted for the Customer Service award at this year’s Yorkshire Financial Awards The Yorkshire Financial Awards have been created to celebrate the incredible financial services industry and the achievements and successes of the region’s best and brightest. Yorkshire is home to the UK’s premier financial hub outside of London. Nominees are […]

Risk Management 2021 Update

hr update

This 2021 update looks at the HR changes ahead this year. Our experts will review how to continue training during a pandemic as well as the importance of managing the risk of legionella. Skip to: – HR & Employment Law Update Brexit GDPR Other Topics Coming Up Training Update Compliance Update HR & Employment Law […]

Lower your club costs with Just Pubs & Clubs


Sharing in our mission to save sports and social clubs The financial sustainability of sports and social clubs is essential to their continuation. Problems with club finances can be; not properly attended to, deemed too complex to deal with, often left ignored. Recently, more and more clubs have been at risk of running into irreparable […]

What is Ghost Broking?

What are Ghost Brokers and How to Avoid Them? 2020 was the highest year on record for scams in the UK. The number of people scammed increased more than 66% during the months of July to December. An area showing increasing reports of fraud is, indeed, insurance broking. Ghost broking has seen a 10% increase […]

Why Club Insure?

Why should cricket clubs bat with us? We want cricket clubs to choose us as their trusted cricket insurance broker. We know we are better and more suitable than other providers out there, its just a matter of telling you why! We are the leading specialist insurance broker to the sports and social community. Insurance […]

Image Copyright & the risks to your club


Chances are you probably have a website, or if not a social media page or two. If you do, ask yourself one question. Do you own the image copyright on your website, or have you paid for a licence to use them? And think very carefully about your answer, because getting it wrong could cost […]