Pinder 200 Rider Profile – Matt Togher

The Pinder 200 is Club Insure’s fundraising challenge for 2023. The team will be raising money for Prostate Cancer UK by cycling from our new Leeds office to Sunderland’s Stadium of Light in memory of Lloyd Pinder. Matt Togher, our Account Executive, will be joining the team a one of the more experienced riders. Matt has been cycling recreationally […]

How can your businesses prevent counterfeit cash?

What is The Banknote Checking Scheme? On the 30th September 2022, all paper £20 and £50 notes will be withdrawn and should not be accepted by businesses. They have been replaced with polymer notes that entered circulation in early 2020. Advice from the Bank of England indicates that businesses should be wary of worthless counterfeit […]

Why Accurate Clubhouse Valuations are important

Is your property underinsured? Around 70% of properties are underinsured. Many building owners don’t know they are underinsured until a claim is made and by then, it’s often too late. This puts club owners at risk of significant financial loss. We’ve partnered with Barrett Corp Harrington and use their e-valuation service, Benchmark. Read more about […]

Is an Electrical Installation Condition Report required for sports clubs?

One of the most overlooked areas of a sports clubs, or any workplace, is the electricals. Be it alarms, security systems, lighting, emergency lighting, sensors or meters; electrical components need regular checks and possible updates. An Electrical Installation Condition Report, or EICR, is used by landlords, insurers and owners to reflect the overall condition of […]

How to prevent personal injury claims at your club?

Update – 01/06/2022 12 tips to stopping trips, slips and personal injury claims Slips and trips are the most common cause of major injuries in the workplace. Outdoor surfaces bring extra challenges especially in a wet climate. Up-to-date liability insurance is absolutely necessary for clubs to remain protected against slips and trips claims. As part […]

6 Essential Tips for planning a Jubilee Party at a Club

Is your club planning to take part in the Queen’s jubilee celebrations? At Club Insure, our mission is to ensure clubs are thriving and are protected throughout the year. We advise clubs to join the efforts of many institutions who are planning to run a jubilee party or event up and down the country. Take […]

Clubhouse Insurance Conditions for Kitchen Equipment

What do clubs need to know about kitchen equipment safety? In the insurance sector at the moment, and alongside the current hard market, insurers are tightening up on claims payments. Many policies include safe requirement conditions, these are acts that must be done or avoided by the insured in order to remain covered. The insured […]

Action Reminder: Register with the TRS by September 2022

All unincorporated clubs with elected trustees need to register with the Trust Registration Service before September 1st 2022. Clubs which have elected the ACC as trustees do not need to take action. Member’s institutions such as the ACC (The Association of Conservative Clubs) look after their members and will complete formalities for them. Equally, Clubs […]

GUR Magazine: Response and Re-release

At Club Insure, we are announcing the re-release of our autumn ’21 publication, GUR: Golf Under Repair Magazine. The second edition comes after praise from the industry and contributors on highlighting golf clubs and businesses post-pandemic. GUR: Magazine looks at the people behind the sport of golf, and how the pandemic disproportionately impacted their livelihood. […]