© Club Insure Ltd Registered in England & Wales no. 03535054 Club Insure Is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority no. 304875

We’ve put this together to answer any questions you might have about our business and the policies we can provide.
This isn’t just any old FAQs though! As you ask questions to our account and claims handlers, we’ll add them below. Your queries are helping us to be better at everything we do. We’re continually improving our performance based on the feedback our customers are giving us!
Club Insure is a specialist insurance broker for sports and social clubs. We celebrated our 20th anniversary as a business in 2018. We’re proud to have over 3500 clients across the UK.
The club sector is forever changing. Club Insure aren’t just experts in insurance; we know about the club industry and the pressures it faces. We offer tailored packages that we know cover the needs of each and every club.
Every club needs insurance. That insurance may come in different forms depending on the size, customer base and any activities they provide.
You’ll need to discuss this with your account handler. Some policies may cover one-off events depending on size and type. This will be in the wording of your policy, but our team will be able to talk you through your options.
Alternatively, you can get one-off event cover from our event insurance partner, www.insure-our-event.co.uk .
A member of the public being drunk does not take away your responsibility to manage risks. If their accident or injury is something you could have prevented, either by keeping your premises safe or by refusing to serve alcohol, you would still be liable. The best advice we can give here is for you to put stringent checks in place on the amount of alcohol one person is allowed to purchase, and don’t permit anyone into the club who is drunk.
For more information on managing risks, complete the Risk Management contact form and checklist which you can find, here.
It should do, if the pitches or playing fields are within the ‘grounds’ of your club. There will be clarification of the extent of your cover in your policy wording. If you’re unsure, you can speak to your Club Insure account handler.
Trespassers on your land can still claim if they are subject to accident or injury. Not every ‘trespasser’ has malicious intent, and therefore we usually don’t use the word in our policies. Remember that the word trespasser could include kids playing football on your field or a woman walking her dog.
We’ve dealt with claims where dog walkers have fallen into ditches left in fields by maintenance workers. Technically they’ve not been invited on to your grounds so they are trespassers, but they still shouldn’t be put in danger.
Take precautions at all times and make sure that risk management checks are in place for your entire grounds.
Your club will need cover all year round. The more important issue with seasonality isn’t reducing cover for off-season, but making sure that you have automatic increases during peak.
Some of our policies include automatic stock increase cover, or cover for extra cash stocks at the busiest times/events of the year. Check your policy wording or ask one of the Club Insure team for more information on these types of cover.
Directors and officers liability protects individuals in senior committees within your club in the event of personal action being taken against them while they’re on club duty.
This type of insurance is more relevant to some clubs than others. If your directors and officers are public figures, or they are more involved in the day to day running of the club, you might need this type of cover. It may also be more relevant if the directors and officers process financial transactions.
We would also advise that you shouldn’t take on the position of trustee or director without having this cover in place to protect yourself personally.
Public liability insurance covers you in the event of accident or injury to members of the public while on your premises or in your grounds. This is an absolute essential for clubs.
Another must-have, employer’s liability insurance covers you in the event of accident or injury to employees whilst on your grounds.
Employer’s liability cover is a legal requirement and you can fined for not having it. This type of cover doesn’t just protect traditional ‘employees’, it also covers volunteers that assist but don’t get paid financially.
This depends on the type of sport you play at your club. If you play a non-contact sport we can offer Personal Accident cover. However, if you play a contact sport like rugby, you’ll most likely need specialist cover for any sports players. You may even need member-on-member cover. Again, the best thing to do would be to discuss your needs with a Club Insure team member who can tailor your policy.
Deterioration of stock insurance covers you in the event of damage to goods where the quality of those goods depends on controls which have become damaged by means which aren’t your fault.
An example might be if you have food stocks in a large refrigerator and that refrigerator breaks down. You would be covered for the wholesale cost of the food inside.
Club Insure Ltd
Romero House
8 Airport West
Lancaster Way
LS19 7ZA
© Club Insure Ltd Registered in England & Wales no. 03535054 Club Insure Is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority no. 304875