Slips, Trips and Falls Risk Management Example Template
Schemes Manager at Club Insure
“Many of our clients are reopening their doors and outdoor spaces to the public. Some have seen the lockdown as an opportunity to enhance refresh and refurbish their outdoor spaces. Clubs must make sure they have the correct risk assessment in place at all times.”
“May and June brings warmer weather, which also often means more people visiting your sports or social club. With more people comes an increased risk for slips, trips and falls. A claim from an injured third party could result in expensive fees, legal costs and compensation. The detrimental effect of a club not keeping on top of their responsibilities can hurt their growth and livelihood, especially in such turbulent times.”
“But as full reopening without safe-spacing restrictions is on the horizon, clubs need to be aware that updates to their indoor and outdoor spaces will require a risk assessment. At Club Insure we have seen an influx of sports and social clubs looking to increase their cover for outdoor spaces, and these spaces are statistically most at risk of a potential claim. “
“To help our clients and continue our promise to do everything we can for recovering clubs, we have published below a template of an official risk assessment form.” For guidance on how to use the document, see the latter pages of the template:
Example Assessment for Club Bar, Kitchen and Office Areas
Example Assessment Kitchen and Bar Area
This template should be utilised in tandem with a broker. The only truly effective way of assessing your risk and ensuring you are fully protected is by using a broker. Club Insure provide visitation and risk assessments as well as full transparency and guidance. You can contact us at any time on 0344 488 9204.