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How to reduce the risk of being a victim of Gaming Machine theft


How to reduce the risk of being a victim of Gaming Machine theft

The number of thefts from gaming machines appears to be on the rise again in recent months and so pubs and clubs are advised to be vigilant.

Organised gangs are targeting gaming machines with a view to stealing cash from them.

A method used by the gangs is to have a group of three to six people standing around the machine, appearing to use it in the normal way. They then block the view of the machine from staff whilst the theft is occurring.

Another tactic could be to have one member of the gang distract the bar staff or door staff whilst the theft is performed.

In many cases, it is not apparent that a robbery has occurred until well after the gang has left the premises, as they also conceal all visible signs of forced entry and take care to act like an ordinary customer.

In May, it was reported that a gang of 4 males had targeted a pub in Ross-on-Wye. One of the gang went over to the machine, inputted notes and took out coins. They then walked away and the remaining three gang members walked over to the machine. An alarm was heard briefly & then all four men left the pub. The slot where you put notes into the machine had been removed and money had been taken from the cash box.

There are a couple of simple but very effective ways to protect gaming machines on your premises from theft:

Local police forces can offer guidance and support on wider crime prevention initiatives. Other initiatives, for example the National Pubwatch campaign (, are also useful sources of information for licensed premises.

Many Insurance policies limit the amount of money held in gaming machines to £500 unless you have specifically requested an increase in this cover.  Please check your policy schedule and contact Club Insure /NDML if the cover provided requires review.


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